Sunday, November 3, 2013

A Serious Post!!!

For a long time the fans of my blog have been telling me “Gokul, you have so profound and relevant philosophies about life. Why don’t you write a serious post about it in your blog along with all the insanely hilarious posts you write that we love to read again and again?” One particular fan was very adamant and voracious about me writing a serious post “How do you expect me to find a girl for you if all you keep writing about is hating coming gold shopping with me? Write some serious posts or I won’t give you coconut cooked in coconut oil along with coconut chutney”’ “Shut up mom, I am searching the blogosphere for blogs that will ‘inspire’ my new post.”

Finally I caved into the pressure and decided to write a serious post. The biggest reason for this is that something has been troubling me deeply for the past few days. I have a deep pain inside me the cause of which I can’t find out. It’s like whenever I go to sleep I get this feeling that someone is backstabbing me. Every day when I wake up it is like my heart is paining. So I decided to write this blog post to introspect about what is happening with my life.

Oh, nevermind, turns out one of the bed springs from my mattress had come loose and was poking me while I was sleeping.  So I really don’t have any deep seated pains in my visceral organs after all, other than what the indigestion is causing. Darn, I was looking forward to writing a serious post.

Anyway now that I have started, I will finish this post in my usual manner.

Recently one of my friends had a serious mishap while travelling. She missed her plane as she went to the airport at 7 pm to catch the flight only to realize that the flight was at 7 am and that she had misread her ticket. Not wanting to waste any time, she got on a horse, chased down a bus to where she wanted to go on the highway, overtook it and heroically jumped in to it, reached the place she wanted to go in time and saved the entire world. At least that is what she wants us to think happened. What happened actually is that she chased the bus in an auto, got in at the next stop and reached her destination well after the event she had to attend was done.  

This got me thinking about all the incidents that have happened to me while traveling. I love travelling and have travelled a lot and along with it have come a lot of weird and funny incidents.  I have once been stranded in a Maruti 800 in front of a wild elephant in the forests of Northern Kerala, me and my friends set off for Gokarna with half an hour preparation only to find ourselves stranded on a beach that was literally filled with excrement and once during a trip we found out that we have somehow managed to lose the horn in our rented car, got lost on a beach on a bike and ran into a old man who was rushing into a liquor store. And all these don’t even make my top five.        
So what are the incidents that actually make up my top 5 travel incidents? Well, here goes

1. Once during a bus ride, I ended up sitting next to a black money distributor who told me all about his operations and gave me his number and asked me to call him in case I needed any money. Still keeping his number just in case.

2. Once while coming down from Bangalore in a train, I was sitting next to this man who was travelling in a train during the day for the first time. He was literally squealing with excitement when he could see the front of our train coming round a corner. He asked me to look at it every time, the first couple of times I did it out of politeness but then I had to tell him I had travelled on a train many times before during day time and I had seen it may times. He still kept annoying me. It was a pretty empty train, so I tried moving seats but he kept following me. Finally I had to get down at a station some 3 hours before I was supposed to get down and take a bus for the rest of the journey.

3. I was once seated in a local bus with a guy who pointed at a girl, told me he loved her so much, but she was ignoring him and now he was thinking of murdering her. Needless to say I got down at the next stop and took an auto to where I want to go.

4. I was once in a train and a gorgeous girl came and sat next to me. I started talking to her and we really hit it off. She has been my girlfriend ever since. Oh wait, that was just a dream.

5. And worst of all, recently while travelling on a bus I had to sit through a back to back screening of ‘War chod na yaar’ and ‘Grand Masti’.

So when you plan your next trip and want it to be ‘interesting’ and ‘eventful’ you know whom to call. And if you really want to know my life philosophies, girls inbox me your numbers; I would be happy to give you one on one lessons and boys float an excel sheet or something; I will give a power point session sometime.